
Archive for July, 2010

Wrapping Up

July 29, 2010 Leave a comment

I’m finishing up on a spot. It has quite a bit of experimenting with fast cuts, and sampling — a la hip hop.

The client provided originals such as product photos, track, and of course, logos.

Categories: Events, Uncategorized

Art Event

July 17, 2010 Leave a comment

Chinese Culture Center of SF
750 Kearny St., 3rd Floor

Categories: Events

Yesterday’s Mixer

July 16, 2010 Leave a comment

Art, Live Music

Crooners in tux covering standard Sinatraesque numbers.

Wall arts were colorful, portraits with drip effects, detail line works, and another paler palettes of tints and tones.

Good crowd.

Categories: Events, Uncategorized

On a lark, really …

July 11, 2010 1 comment

Pepe U., the shoot on 24th street, in the Mission, in San Francisco. All I can say is that it felt like we were in latin america. Congrats to you on the Fruitvalle doc.

Tad Austin, a classmate, became a teacher. Another, Soo Bae, I think it was; we were on Angela Hsu’s 16mm project; he decided to try his luck back home in Japan. (I’m trying mine on the dance floor.)

Tad Ro is an amazing musician with vast digital entertainment knowledge.

Jesse Spencer is an accomplished video editor.

Johnson Hor’s background is in law, however that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  Johnson has been involved in many sectors, from non-profits to new social 2.05. He’s an over-achiever with good humor.

Wayland Wong is a Berkeley MBA finance extordinare.

Lu Judy Cheng, Tech Recruiter. She’s experienced in her field and had done good work.

Thanks to all of you and peace in the middle east.

Categories: Events, Uncategorized